Under the leadership of the Chairman, the Board is responsible for formulating overall strategies and policies of the Company, supervising and evaluating business and financial performance of the Company. Through the establishment of appropriate risk control policies and procedures, the Board ensures the efficiency and effectiveness of the Company’s operations by establishing a comprehensive corporate governance framework and aiming to enhance long-term shareholders’ value.

Formal Board Committees established by the Board include the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee. They assist the Board to discharge its duties while the responsibilities of the day-to-day operations and business strategic management are delegated to the executive directors and senior management. However, certain responsibilities remain to the decision of the Board, such as corporate restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, major investments, material acquisitions and disposals of assets, major corporate policies on key area of operations, the release of the Group’s interim and annual results, connected transactions, declaration of interim dividends and proposal of final dividends.

List of Directors and
their Role and Function
View online
Board Diversity Policy
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